Sunday, July 11, 2010

Telecommunications and transport

Otherwise known as phone and car - the two hardest things to live without in the western world in my opinion. Even I can't do without them at this stage, yet at one time it was perfectly normal to live without them. I was a young child when we got a phone and car and can't remember which order they came in but suspect it was both at the same time!

I lived without a phone for a week, and when it was reinstalled the first two calls were from spruikers, which made me wonder why I had wanted it back on so badly. I deftly got rid of them, but know now why I wanted the phone back on. So I had the freedom to make contact with the world when I wanted to, regardless of whether the world wanted to contact me.

In the transition to peak oil when there will be implications for every one of us car owners in who knows how many ways, there may come a time when the car is no longer convenient or necessary. Whilst I am keen for that day to come on a number of levels, who can say what other implications are in that outcome, and how it will affect people?