Friday, April 24, 2009


Well it has finally really rained instead of being a predicted occasional light shower that never happens. Raining is painful here in this dry state of South Australia, and becoming more painful as we have rivers that dry up and become diseased, and global warming kicks in. Is it the laugh of a higher power that places that need rain are getting drier, and places that don't need it are getting wetter? And so on. I dream occasionally of what the world would be like if we could make a melting pot of the weather - throw it in, mix it all around, and have an outcome of moderation all over the world. Four seasons. Or would it be like colour and come out an awful mucky green or black? (Not knowing enough about colour I probably have this wrong, but have mixed paints enough to picture the mucky green at least.)
Anyway, yesterday morning after really heavy rain the preceding day (hell/heaven we ran the risk of actually getting drenched) I went outside and realised there was a new sound in my humble garden. Crickets. Not visible but present. What do they do normally? They must be quietly living, waiting for a reason to sing/rub their feet together or whatever it is (I forget) that makes that sound. It was music to me anyway. I wanted to get there right under the ground with them and join the party.


Allan Stellar said...

Hi Andrea,

Just took a few moments to peruse your blog. Nice job! I'll be back...


Andrea said...

Thanks Allan. I have just gone and looked at your blog and will be watching it from now on. I like your combination of personal events and reflective thoughts. And your house looks great!