Thursday, April 16, 2009

Every breath you take...

Detachment, non-attachment, vairagya - are they the same thing? Apparently so, according to Sri Swami Sivananda at least: 'Vairagya is the opposite of Raga (attachment). Vairagya is dispassion. Vairagya is detachment.' (
I find the concept mystifying - how do you achieve real detachment? When I try to observe my body and mind in this way, I find I then become attached to my heartbeat or some other aspect of the practice, but it still feels like attachment. I am attached to my detachment if that makes sense. It is hard to describe.
I have been singing the Sting song 'Every breath you take, every move you make, I'll be watching you' on and off over a period of time. It just comes into my head. Now I think it is a good song for self observation, sharpening the senses, being more aware. Maybe with practice I can sing it with detachment.

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