Friday, May 15, 2009

Steps to happiness

The following notes are adapted from Meditations from the Tantras, a thin book with some very 'river deep, mountain high' advice.

What causes 'human suffering' in the mind
(this has to be distinguished from starvation, thirst and other basic needs)?
  • ignorance or unawareness of reality
  • the ego
  • likes or attractions towards objects
  • dislikes or repulsion towards objects
  • the strong aversion or fear of death
How to remove these causes?
Slowly and systematically reduce them:
  1. Continuously practise self awareness to attain a calm and tranquil state
  2. Find out these deeper problems by practising antar mouna meditation. Make a mental or written record of what is revealed during the practice
  3. Brood over their manifestations and realise that they do indeed bring about unhappiness and suffering (deeply)
  4. Use auto suggestion and reprogramming (best time is after meditational practices, on waking or before sleeping):
    replace mentally disturbing thoughts with their opposites
    repeat the auto suggestion with intensity and feeling for a few minutes
    believe in the auto suggestion whole heartedly
  5. Make the mind stronger so that it is less influenced by external events by slowly developing detachment to everything and every person.
    Identify yourself with the centre of consciousness rather than the body-mind. What we think is our present state of consciousness and not the subtle essence of life itself - the body and mind are only instruments of action, perception and thought.
    Be a witness - you are not your mind, thoughts, body etc. Practise this intellectually
  6. Recognise that 'this too will pass' - thoughts and emotions are temporary
  7. Consciously will the body to become whole, strong and balanced.
  8. At the same time as 2 and 3, practise:
    self restraints - non violence, truth, honesty, sexual control, non possessiveness
    observances - purity, contentment, austerity, self study, self surrender

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