Saturday, January 17, 2015

Amazing Indians

What is it about India that creates some amazing and inspiring to the point of tears social entrepreneurs? I think from the novels I have read, the news I have heard, and my own meagre travels (just 5 weeks) that it is either in the water (the Ganges is Mother) or it's the incredible inequality of Indian society. Or both, and more. Here are two, to name only a few.

Menstrual Man: this amazing man, humble and uneducated, was driven to empower poor women in rural India by inventing a machine that could make sanitary pads at a cheap cost that they could afford, and give them meaningful jobs that helped their communities at the same time. Read the full story - The Indian sanitary pad revolutionary (BBC).

Amlan Ganguly: creator of 'the revolutionary optimists'. He empowers slum children in Calcutta to change not only their own lives but those of the people around them - slum dwellers with no hope of a future. He started off as a lawyer but it was not his true calling. The children call him dada in this naturalistic and heart catching film about his work. View the film trailer and find out more.

There are more of course, and the greats like Mother Theresa and Ghandhi, but that is enough heroes for now!

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